A Mario Kart Wii player involved in it's community. Zombie on Newgrounds though.



Puerto Rico

Joined on 6/17/08

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#1: Sonic is awesome
#2: Medieval stuff is awesome.
The two combined is just plain epic.
#3: YOU MORTHERFUCKER! Sonic unleashed was THE greatest Sonic game ever.
If I ever meet you, I will rip off your head and shove it up your ass.

Wow immature

Most of the newer games apparently are supposed to be bad, anyways.

true that
thats so fucking right dude

whatever i don't care...the game was good by my opinion

you hurt my fellings *sob**sob**sob*

cry all you want
this is my opinion

To Talio17: Correction. Sonic WAS awesome. the old ones from the 90's are the best shit ever. However, the people at Sonic Team have made some really shitty decisions over the past few years, and have made terrible games.
I agree, Sonic & the Black Knight sucks ass. In my opinion, Sega hasn't made a good Sonic game in a long time, mainly because they make too fucking many too fast. Lets count all the Sonic games in the past 3 years: Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic '06,Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Rush (which is okay), Sonic Chronicles: the Dark Brotherhood, and now this piece of shit. And that's excluding all the crappy spin-off games, which in that case, there's even more shit.
See, with other games, like Mario, they take their fuckin' time. Super Mario sunshine=made in 2002. Super Mario Galaxy=made in 2007. And they're actually really fun.
I have actual reasons, and actual evidence to back it up, so I guess that makes you the "MORTHERFUCKER" as you said. And, Sonic Unleashed being the best Sonic game ever? What are you, seven?

you got that right
thanks for correcting that asshole and thanks for agreing for sonic and the black knight sucks

It's all because Yugi Naka left Sonic team. *read rest of the post*
You like the new Dragonball movie.... You poor poor sap

Yugi Naka was a good animator also i didn't say i like the DBZ movie, i said it was awesome

Hey for my in my opinion i like sonic unleashed. but sonic and the black is i big SHIT. a real name for that game will be,"TOSTONIC AND THE BLACK SHIT".

You got that right :P

oh god i know. who came up with a sword?

fucking Sonic Team/Sega did this :(

its the worst game ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont listen to sonickid19 if he tells you about it

i know it sucks sucks and sucks

if you say sega sucks, how come your banner says that you are a mario AND sonic fan?

even though sega sucks balls i still like sonic

well i didnt get it. the next sonic game i might get is mario and sonic at the winter games. This game i have heard it pretty much sucks from people who are somewhat a sonic fan or not at all. the people who said they liked it were REALLY BIG sonic fans. cause i kno that shadow1441 and awesomesonic both hate the game too. well i am not as much as a sonic fan as i used to

at the winter games?

I know, I was dissapointed to.

Sonic and the black knight was horrible and suckish.

you now that is a game that call "MARIO AND SONIC AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES" now they put another game called "MARIO AND SONIC IN WINTER GAMES.

Yeah it sucks to have another one
i mean they made the first Mario&Sonic at the olimpic games.
now they made another one and its the winter game


i hope sega does NOT make any more sonic games. sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood sucked. black knights sucked. unleashed sucked. sonic rush and sonic rush adventure sucked. the best sonic games that are around that is good is sonic heroes and sonic adventure battle two. disappointing. -_-

SA2B was the best game from Sonic Team
the chao wore so cute^^

sonic and the secret rings also sucked. almost forgot about that.

that game looked cool in my opinion too

You really think it,MM123123123?I think the game is good,but it's have nothing to see with Sonic,and maybe i'll start to think the game will suck and will ruin Sonic too,MAYBE.But my opion is: Just playing the game for discovery!

i hope the winter games will be good

Nah its not gonna be
its the same as the olimpic games and now is winter games
is fucking the same

ihatesonic where did u find the preview? can u give me the link??

i found the preview on gamestop.com

although most of the sonic games arent good, im glad they put him in super smash bros brawl.

Yeah SSBB was good with him
like the final smash

I hate the gameplay and the music
the intro song is just RETARDED, like in all sonic games, its a sort of Hard rock(in a medieval game WTF?!) saying things like:
sooooniiiic is the beeeeest,hes fuckin AAAAAAAAAAAaaaawesoooome, yeaaaaa....

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