users acting as characters are:
MikeWeathersby546 as Stario
darkthehedgehog53 as Dark The Hedgehog
Mariofan24 as Himself
sonicshadow999 as Himself
konuspix-4 as Nazi
Lumdie as Blade The Hedgehog
MarioMaster123123123 as Ramon The Hedgehog (thats the hedgehog i created)
blaze432 as Sirena The Hedgehog
ShadowChao96 as Himself
igott as The Evil Super Human
Jordian as Shadow The Hedgehog
Now The world premere of The Adventures Of Ramon The Hedgehog
Ramon:ahh....what a shiny day isnt that right Dark
Dark:Yes yes it is
Shadow:ok enough shitchat we got too work on kicking Eggman ass
Stario:no you retard we got to wait until he gives us a sign
Eggman:hi fellow bastards am working on a evil plan so dont inturrupt
Stario:thats the sign
Eggman:*walks away*
Shadow:Blah Blah blah come on lets go
Shadowchao96:yo lets do this all ready
6 mins. later
Ramon:that bitch still owns me money DAMMIT
Ramon:ok since Dark and Shadow lefted us alone its me,Stario and ShadowChao96
Stario:ok we must get going and when i ment we i mean me and Ramon
Stario:Shadowchao96 you must stay here until we call you as the dog you are
Ramon:here Shadowchao96 choose this walkietalkie to contact us ok bastard
Stario:ok lets go
8 in a half mins. later
Stario:no where that retard with a bastard mustach
eggman:ha ha here i am like a retard i am
Ramon:no give us that emerald now
eggman:if you want to get the emerald you got to face me in MORTAL KOMBAT
Stario:Jesus Christ but why the hell does it got to be MORTAL KOMBAT
eggman:cuz it AWESOME
Ramon:ok your on
Ramon:Stario contact Shadowchao96 to met me here
as our heroes come face to face with that homosexual eggman the question is:why are they doing this and story continues tomorow
---to be continued---
so what do you think
please leave onest comments
COOL but it is hard 2 read it when it is spaced in like that u should space it out like blaze432
oh i'm Jordian sorry not 2 introduce me 2 ya and yep i made a account come 2 my page 2 check it out soon!!
oh so you are Jordian
the guy blaze432 was talking about huh