5/5 for humor
wow i was especting this from TomFulp and MindChamber but also P-Bot,WOW
P-Bot first flash awesome
but enough of that
i was especting cartoon or anime but real life......AWESOME
nice work on this
you really put the "H" in "HUMOR"
5/5 for humor
wow i was especting this from TomFulp and MindChamber but also P-Bot,WOW
P-Bot first flash awesome
but enough of that
i was especting cartoon or anime but real life......AWESOME
nice work on this
you really put the "H" in "HUMOR"
Awesome rap-o
i enjoy this everytime i watch it
nice animation
10/10 5/5
pretty good cant wait :)
this is very good for your people and fans of your work on Newgrounds
this may turn out very good with your skills on flash
Good luck
thats how MK should be XD
sooo hilarious,that was funny as hell man keep it up
sooo hilarious
but you maid an error:
the first mario game was donkey kong and it was created on 1991 not on 1993
very good animation and very good true story
5/5 10/10
Actually I think it was created in 1981 not 1991. Right now I have it down as 1983 which I will be changing soon. Thanks for the great review! :-)
i like Tails in this cuz he a little funny looking LOL
i understand
SONY went wrong on the PS3 cuz it was too expensive...look at that $600 for a PS3 WTF!!!!!!!
but otherways i dont wanna buy the PS3 cuz it raises my MOMs bill so...but i liked the song
i like the headline "whateva whateva" also i saw the tiger easter and the other president too
the animation pretty tight for the flash
keep doing the good work
awesome LOL flash
the sprites wore great
the music10/10
the characters10/10
the flash was perfect and good too
A Mario Kart Wii player involved in it's community. Zombie on Newgrounds though.
Puerto Rico
Joined on 6/17/08