A Mario Kart Wii player involved in it's community. Zombie on Newgrounds though.



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MARIOMASTER123123123's News

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - May 9th, 2009

www.youtube.com/user/mariomaster123123 123
after multiple failures on creating a account i finally created a damn youtube account :D
check it out when you get a time.

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - May 8th, 2009

Stickya Adventurya "You must be cheating" walkthrough.



LEVEL 1) [EASY] Mash E at the door.

LEVEL 2) [EASY] Go right.

LEVEL 3) [EASY] Go right.


LEVEL 5) [EASY] The path to avoiding the spiked floors. You have to float fast. The pattern is Right > Left > Right.

LEVEL 6) [EASY] Use attack 1 four times to push the box and make a platform for you to jump to the door with.

LEVEL 7) [EASY] Jump to the snake when his head is furthest down and hold on by hitting E. Immediately after hitting E hit the jump button (up key) to land on the next platform and continue though the door.

LEVEL 8) [MEDIUM] Hit E at the large door to make a cut scene appear. This level takes practice. My method is stand at the first red door until the large door of the boss opens. When it opens immediately jump up to the platform. Right when the boss door shuts you need to jump and use attack one. The item he throws at you will bounce back to him. Jump back down to the starting spot and repeat five times until he's dead. This whole sequence needs to take place in less than a two seconds. Practice the rhythm and you'll be able to pull it off without getting hit 90% of the time.

LEVEL 9) [EASY] Stay where you are, the chainsaw guy will not make it to your door. When he turns around hit the switch with the E button. Go through the door.

LEVEL 10) [MEDIUM] This level is easy after you know the pattern. Just make sure you jump before you move left or right or you'll disturb the ones next to you and have to do it again. The pattern is Jump to black > Jump to red> Jump to door.

LEVEL 11) [EASY] Stay where you are, the chainsaw guys will not make it to your door. When they turn around grab the guitar and use the number 2 key to kill them both. Go through the door. WARNING: READ LEVEL 12 BEFORE GOING THROUGH THE DOOR.

LEVEL 12) [MEDIUM] Immediately go right and grab the pick ups. Stand on top of the box and kill the first chain saw guy to come out with attack 2. Hop down to the right and wait for the next chainsaw guy to come out and kill him with attack 2. Quickly use attack 1 to push the box left. Jump up fast to the left and grab more power ups. Repeat this process until you have pushed the box at least four times. Make a jump for the door to the left by standing on the box. The key to this level is not to let the machine spawn more than 3 chain saw guys on the screen at once. Any more than this and you're gonna be losing lives trying to get the power ups. WARNING: READ LEVEL 13 BEFORE GOING THROUGH THE DOOR.

LEVEL 13) [HARD] You need to hold right as soon as the level starts. Jump over both of the spiked cookies while still holding right and hit E right when you get to the door or you'll be killed during the door opening animation. If you miss the jump and get hit than you're fucked and are probably going to lose a bunch of lives trying to jump over the seemingly random cookies. You have to do it on the first try.

LEVEL 14) [EASY] Use attack 1 on the food before the waiter delivers it. Go through the door.

LEVEL 15) [MEDIUM[ The guitar battle with slash. Just hit all of the notes you can. I noticed you can play his notes when it's his turn sometimes and you'll still get score from it. After a few tries this will be very easy to you.

LEVEL 16) [MEDIUM] Drop down to the left when you have a clear shot for it. Press against the wall.When the little machine that says "go" hits the floor jump while still pressing against the wall. Hit the switches when you have a chance and kill five bad guys. It's easier if you keep doing it so there's only one or two guys on the screen at a time. After five jump over them and go into the door. This level is hard at first, but gets easy with practice.

LEVEL 17) [EASY] Jump to the snake using the same technique as level 7 and land on the platform. Pull the switch and jump back the same way you came. Drop down to the platform with the door carefully.

LEVEL 18) [HARD] Wait until the machine spawns all of the enemies. Stand inside the door so you're right against the edge almost poking out. When a chainsaw guy comes down jump and use attack 1. You'll be able to hit him and he won't be able to hit you. Takes a few tries to get the timing down. Be careful when refueling. When you get the timing down this level is easy. Go through the door.

LEVEL 19) [EASY] Run to the right and hit the 3 key on your keyboard right when you touch the skateboard. Go through the door.

LEVEL 20) [EASY] Just jump and let the trampoline make you hit your head on the platform above. After this part just continue to the door. The drug effect is easy to maneuver through.

LEVEL 21) [EASY] Grab the skateboard and hit the 3 key. Go through the door.

LEVEL 22) EASY] Go to the lever and mash the E key as hard as you can until all of the enemies are crushed. Lower yourself to the door.

LEVEL 23) [MEDIUM] Stay put until the countdown says 29. Jump down to the left and stand in the middle safely. When the walls are getting very close to you when the timer is at 5 you need to go slightly to the left so your poking out of the door just a little bit. When the timer hits 1 mash the E key as fast as you can. This level can be tricky.

LEVEL 24) [INSANE] This level is hell until you get the timing down. Even then it's hard not to mess up. There's a small opening you can stand at right after the 2nd green blob. From the spawn tap the right key gently so you are standing right next to the first black blob. Right when the first black blob touches the floor run and land yourself right in the small spot after the 2nd green blob. From this point wait until the 2nd black blob (2nd from the spawn) touches the little circle on the background. The instant it touches the background circle run and you'll just make it to the door. This will take practice.

LEVEL 25) [INSANE] I didn't find any flawless strategy for this level, I always lost at least five lives. I find if you stay to the left and run under the balls it's easier than floating in the middle. When it reaches zero take your time and just go with the flow. Abuse the jump key because it will save your ass many times.

LEVEL 26) [INSANE] There's no simple pattern here, you better hope you have at least 10 lives, because this fucker is gonna deplete them fast. Stan on either of the two platforms and wait until he goes into his floating slowly to you animation. When he's half a boss length's away use your key 2 attack. Sometimes you can quickly run to the left and avoid his counter attack, but usually not. After five hits of this he's down.

Video of this guide by emptywindow:

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And now for some walkthroughs

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General NG Medal FAQ
Q. How can I implement medals on my game?
A. http://tomfulp.newgrounds.com/news/pos t/302180

Q. Why won't medals appear on my profile?
A. You need to create a profile first. This can be done by doing anything like making a blog post or favoriting a game/movie.

Q. How to report hackers/cheaters?
A. First gather substantial hard evidence, then PM PsychoGoldfish

Q. Why some medals worth so little yet are so difficult to obtain?
A. Medals are still in testing as to the most appropriate method of weighting medals with respect to difficulty.

Q. Games crash on Firefox on loading!
A. If you have Adblock, simply add the following Exception Rule to it:

Q. How to delete save games?
A. Warning! Proceed at your own risk.
If you wish to delete your save game and there is no function in-game to delete it, you will have to delete it manually on your computer. Clearing the cache or your cookies will not clear your save game.

This method will delete all save games from games played on Newgrounds.
Go to the Adobe Flash Settings Manager site. Go to the "Website Storage Settings Panel" and scroll down to "uploads.ungrounded.net". Select it and press "Delete Website" (See below).

So thats that for today, i hope this helped because i got to write all this crap for you guys.

Stickya Adventurya "You must be cheating" walkthrough, as for more walkthroughs and other crap.

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - May 2nd, 2009

Yeah i finally got 4000 medal points!!! let's see who can beat my ass, if they can
i think am the user who got the most points on medals games since i got a ton of points

i told myself i am gonna do this, am gonna get every medal if it kills me!
nobody can beat and i said NOBODY.

lets see who can reach to my points ;D


Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 30th, 2009

Happy Pico Day '09
i wanted to make a flash movie but since i don't got flash so.
and i can't wait to get the new medals the pico games, maybe during may i'll release Vol. 3 of the "Tips N' Codes on medal games"

Peace Out!

Happy Pico Day!!

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 25th, 2009

ok heres the set of codes, cheats etc. of medal games

Alkie Kong 2:
Level 1:

After you talk to Max, run over to the tuck. Pull 2 or 3 boxes out and set them in the middle of the ramp. Use this stack to jump on top of the truck and collect the bonus bottle. After you get the bottle, jump down, avoiding the bat.

Grab one of the boxes from the ramp and throw it to the left. Grab another box and do the same. Run over to where the 2 boxes landed and keep throwing the 2 of them left until you can stack them up on the far platform.

When the bat is out of your way, or you have hit it with a box, clumb the stacked boxes and jump to grab the ladder. Get the key from the top and throw it to the right. Climb down the ladder so you can see the bat and easily avoid it, then run over to the key and take it to the door.

Level 2:
After Max shuts the hell up, run to the left, hopping over the first pit. Grab the red scaffold and just run left and jump the next pit, the falling kegs will bounce harmlessly off the scaffold.

Climb the far ladder and hit the switch at the to to turn off the keg chute. Grab the key and set it on the edge of the upper platform. Jump on the key and you will be able to jump from there to get the bonus bottle without falling in the pit below.

Climb back up the ladder and grab they key. This time drop straight down from the edge so you don't land in the pit. Jump the 2 pits as you get the key to the door.

Level 3:

This is the first boss fight. First, wait for the molty to reach the right side of the conveyor belt. When the moly hits the end it will turn around and you can climb up with a few seconds to spare. Quickly grab one of the falling crates near the ladder and wait for another to drop. Set your box on the new one and jump up. From your new perch, you should be able to jump and get the bonus bottle.

A new molty will soon drop down from the ceiling near the left side of the conveyor, so keep to the right until you can see the molty. You can either climb down the ladder and wait for him to turn around, or jump over him when he lands between each hop. Either way, when you are clear of the molty, grab a crate and run down the conveyor. Before reaching the end, throw the box and it should hit Alkie Kong.

Repeat this 3 times and Alkie Kong will retreat, taking the secret brew-co brewing recipes with him.

Level 4:

After talking to Max (for the last time thankfully), you will need to run to the left and grab a crate. Run half way up the stairs on the left, then turn around. Jump and throw the box onto the big wooden keg. Repeat this till you have all 3 crates on the keg.

Climb the ladder, avoinding the bat, and jump across to the crate. At this point you would be wise to drop one of the crates onto the bat. Next, throw 2 of the crates to the platform on the left and stack them so you can jump up to get the bonus bottle.

After you get the bottle, throw them back on to the keg. The bat may have re-spawned by now so go ahead and kill it again.
When you get the crates to the rightmost keg, stack them all up and use them to jump to the next platform. There is another bat here that can be avoided by jumping over it when it swoops down, or running under it if it swoops up.

If you got to the platform fast enough the molty on the top platform should still be left of the key. If this is the case, quickly climb up and crab the key, then throw it past the molty. You can climb down the small ladder and the molty will harmlessly pass you by, allowing you to run over and get the key back.

If the molty is to the right of they key, you can wait for him to turn around and follow him (slowly) until you get the key. after you have the key, continue following him to the end of the platform. From here you can throw it over the molty and down to the lower levels.

However you get the key down, you now just need to avoid any re-spawned bats as you take the key to the door.

Note: you can kill bats with the key if need be!
Level 5:

This is the level I get the most questions about, so PAY ATTENTION!

First, grab the red scaffold and jump over the molty. Stand close to the edge of the floor and drop the scaffold. It will now be acting as a plank so you can use it to jump across to the ladder.

When you get to the top of the platform, jump to the left and grab the next ladder. Climb to the next platform and run left again, jumping to the NEXT ladder.

Climb all the way to the top of the level and go right. Be careful of the 2 molties under the floor because they shoot fire up to your level. Careful timing should get you through unharmed.

Drop down the right side and you will land by 3 crates. Grab each crate and drop them down to the lower platform in the middle of the level.

Drop down to where the crates are and stack them all in-line with the ladder. Use the crates to get jump up to the bonus bottle.

Next, drop the crates down the right side then jump down with them. Keep dropping the crates until they are at th every bottom of the level being careful not to hit the molty (he will break the crate and you will need to go all the way up again to get a new one).

When all the crates are at the bottom you will need to stack them up under the middle platform while avoiding the molty.

Once you ave them stacked you can grab the red scaffold again and jump up the crates onto the middle platform. Walk to the left and the molties will walk onto the scaffold. You can then walk to the right and let them off on the next platform. You should be able to transport 2 molties at a time with no problem. Once they are on the right platform, set the scaffold down and use it to jump over to the left platform.

Now you can get they key and carefully jump down to the door.

Level 6:

This is second boss fight. Grab the steel keg on your right. While avoiding barrels and molties, hop onto the moving platforms and get up to the 2nd level. You can now run to the left and drop the keg on Alkie's head. He will get angry and monkey swing across the screen. You will be safe if you are on the level above him still. When he gets to the end of the level he will jump up to your level.

Jump back down and get your keg. Work your way up to the top level, avoiding all the perils like before. While you are up on this level you should be able to set your keg under the bonus buttle and jump up to get it. Get your keg again and go drop it on alkie's head.

Alkie will monkey swing again and fly up to the top level.

Go get your key again and get back to the top level. When you get close to Alkie Kong you can just throw it at him. He'll get angry and retreat again.

Level 7:

Grab the crate and the key and throw them onto the front of the forklift. Climb the ladder on the left, avoiding the molty then run to the right and go down the first ladder, after jumping the small gap.

Hit the switch on the back of the forklift and climb back up.

The forklift will be raised so you can grab the crate now. Take it all the way to the right and set it in the corner and go get the key.

Take the key to the right and jump on the crate. From here, jump up and toss the key to the next level. You can now jump up and grab the ladder to get yourself up. Watch out for the 2 molties patrolling this platform.

While avoding the molties, get your key again and head left. You should be able to jump up the grey platforms and onto the short ladder. Throw the key across to the top platform on the right.

You can now drop down the left side to get the bonus bottle and retrace your steps back to the top.

Wait for 3 barrels to fall then jump across and follow the barrels all the way to the bottom floor. Head left and jump the little hole to get to the door.

Level 8:

This is another level I get questions on. First, walk to the right edge if the platform you start on and wait for a moving platform to come up in front of you.

Hop onto the moving platform and watch the molties. When they take a breath, be prepared to jump. You can grab the ladders to stay above the molty flames. After you pass the 2nd molty be prepared to jump up and grab the bonus bottle.

Jump onto the 4th ladder and climb up to the next floor. Avoid the 2 molties up here and head left.

Climb the ladder and hit the switch at the top. This will open the silver tube to the right of the moving platform area. Jump over the switch and drop to the left to collect your key.

Drop down to the platform you started on and wait for the next platform to come around. When you get on the moving platform, drop your key onto it so you can collect it later. Avoid the moty flames again and jump over to the silver tube when you get under the 4th ladder again.

At the bottom of the tube you will notice a red lift that isn't moving. Head left from that and avoid the molty. Hit the switch in the floor and the platforms above will reverse direction, making it possible to key the key to the door without hitting any spikes.

Head left from the switch, avoiing the next molty, and climb the ladder. Beside the door is another switch. Hit this and the left under the silver tube will be activated. Head back to this lift and you will be able to get back up to where the moving platforms are.

Wait for the platform with your key on it to come around and jump on. Dodge the molty fire and pick up the key. The platform will take you right beside the door, and you can jump over the spikes to victory.

Level 9:

This is the 3rd boss battle and is a bit of an endurance fight.

Alkie Kong is in a bit of a box and has a switch that allows him to drop some wooden kegs into the level.

You can climb down the ladder (watching out for the molty below) before the first set of kegs gets anywhere near you.

When you get to the bottom, head left. You will notice a piston-like pole under a chunk of the floor. The switch to the left will raise this floor. If the molty is on the piston, it too will be raised. You can use this to position the molty on whatever platform you feel would be easiest to avoid him on. Personally, I recommend leaving him at the bottom because the falling barrels don't touch the leftmost bit of the floor there, giving you more room to avoid the molty. You can also use the ladder and wait for it to walk under you.

After you have raised the piston, go back up the ladder you started on and jump across to the newly raised floor. The rolling kegs come in sets of 3, so keep that in mind when you time your movement.

Climb the next ladder and head right. (ignore the crate for now, you will use it later)

On the right is section of wood. you can hide under the first little beam, or stand on the beam, as far right as possibel, and the barrels will roll right over your head. When you get an opening get to the top and head right.

Hit the switch at the far right, then follow the next set of barrels to the bottom of the level.

Avoding the molties, jump your way to the right and climb the ladder. You will see that the switch you just flipped has raised the floor on this side so you can now jump over and hit the 3rd switch on this wall.

This switch will raise the roof of Alkie Kong's little box. Work your way back up to the top. Down the grey platform up there and get the bonus bottle, then climb back up again and grab the crate.

Throw the crate into Alkie's box for a sure hit. He will hit one of the switches in his pen and all the pistons will reset. Repeat the sequence 2 more times and he'll run away again.

Level 10:

If you are really fast, the minute the level starts you can jump onto the ladder and climb straight up without stopping and you will outrun all the molties. If you are less confident, just climp up prt way and wait form each molty to jump over you before working your way up again.

When you get to the top head to the far right. There is a molty up here so watch out. Ignore the pile of kegs for now and drop down the shaft on the right. Head all the way down and go left. There are 3 molties down here to contend with. Grab the key and head right again, jumping onto the elveators until you get to the top again.

Set the key down for now and grab a keg. To the left you will see a blue button on the floor. Set the keg on it and the floor will open.

Now, throw the rest of the kegs down the hole, and toss the key in last.

This floor also has a blue floor button, so set one keg on it and toss everything down when the next hole opens.

Keep doing this on every floor, watching out for all the molties. Eventually the last floor will open and you can take your key to the door.

Level 11:

Jump down to the conveyor belt when there are no molties in your way and grab a crate. You may see the key on the conveyor.. just ignore it for now. It will respawn if it falls down the hole.

Jump/toss your crate to the platform you started on and climb up the ladder to get it again.

To your left is a boiler. The pipe above you has a crack in it and the boiler is sending a wall of hot steam through the crack. Throw your crate at the valve on the boiler to turn it off.

Jump back down to the conveyor and head to the middle of the slope. Jump on any box and then up to the ladder above the slope. Head left, using the red platform to get to the brass pipe. At the very left is a ladder wich will take you to a switch. Hit this and the red platform will begin going up and down.

Head down to the conveyor one more time and grab they key. Toss the key up to the platform you started on and climb up after it. Pick it up again and wait for the red platform. Jump onto the red platform then jump over to the next boiler.

Throw the key at the valve on this boiler to turn it off, then grab the key and wait for the red platform again.

Get on the red platform and it will lift you all the way to the top pipe. head right and set your key down. Jump down the right side of the boiler to get the bonus bottle, then work your way back up to the key. Be careful, molties drop down this side of the level as well.

Once you get the key again, jump/toss it up and climb the ladders on the next 2 levels. Jump the key across the 2 gaps as you head left toward the door. If a molty jumps toward your head, just stop and he should land on the key.

One molty patrols the last platform.. jump over him and get to the door.

Level 12:

In this 4th battle, Alkie is a bit more aggressive. Jump to the ladder on the left and climb up. If Alkie is chucking kegs, stay below the floor until it's save. When all is clear jump from the platform to the wooden ramp on the left. If a moltie is on that secion of the wood, you may want to wait form him to turn around.

When you get on the wood ramp, head left and jump the molty. Hit the switch and a crate will fall. Pick it up and jump/throw it at Alkie when his platform heads toward you.

The switch on this side is now locked, so you need to go to the other side, which is basically a mirrored copy of the side you are on. If you are fast enough, you can jump your way over there while Alkie is stunned. Try grabbing the bonus bottle on your way over, it's right between the 2 center platforms.
When you get to the other side, throw the switch to get another crate. This switch is now locked, but the one on the left will work again.

Hit Alkie with this crate and head to the left switch again, where you can get a 3rd crate. Hitting Alkie with 3 crates will win the fight and he'll run off again.

Level 13:

This level starts out quiet. Climb the ladders all the way to the top. You will see the key but won't be able to reach it yet. There are also a few bats up here that you will need to avoid. Below you is an open vat. Jump onto the lid of the vat to close it up. When the lead closes, it a molty will drop down on top of it, so stick to the right if possible.

Jump to the next vat. This one you will need to drop in to. Drop down along the left wall and you will land on a crate. This should keep you from hitting the molty that's inside this vat. Jump the molty and take the ladder to climb up to the far side.

Head right and climb up the ladder, watching for those pesky bats again. head to the left until you get to the switch.

When you hit the switch, the red platform beside you will go up, and a red platform on the left will come down making a bridge to the key. If you jump onto the red platform immediately after hitting the switch it will take you up to the bonus bottle.

Drop down onto the lid of the 2nd vat to close it. More molties will fall, but if you stay in the middle you should be safe.

Work your way to the left again and climb the ladder. Use the new bridge to get the key. Drop down onto the vat with the key and jump over the molties as you head right.

Drop straight down the small gap at the right side of the level and you will hit the door.

Level 14:

This is a major endurance level, but is pretty straight forward. First, climb the ladder by your starting position. Run right and avoid the molty, the bat, and the rolling kegs that will come at you. When you reach the right hit the switch and the left side of this level will expand.

Climb down the ladder by the switch and get the key. Head left and you can jump/throw the key up the now-extended slope above you.

Carry the key and set it down under the next ladder. Jump up to the ladder and head left where you will find another switch. The switches in this level are all used to extend the slopes allowing you to jump/throw your key. Use the ladders in the floors if things get heavy, you can usually wait out molties and barrels this way, but always watch for the bats (which you CAN kill with the key).

You will pretty much repeat this process until you get to the top. There is a small ladder left of the 3rd switch. If you drop down from it, you will find the bonus bottle. Make sure you have a health point left because it's impossible to see what's under you.

When you get to the top, toss the key toward the door, climb after it and win!

Level 15:

This is the final boss.... Alkie Kong as hijacked the brew-co beerbot. Molties will patrol the bottom of this level while Alkie uses the beerbot to smash anything that comes to the upper level.

To start out, throw as many crates as you can onto the center piston floors. You will need at least 6 boxes, but try and grab around 8.

When the floors are laoded up, climb up each side and hit the switches to raise the floors.

Alkie will try to smash you if you linger under the beerbot's hands too long. The hands will pause briefly before smashing so you can easily avoid them, however, if the hand comes down on your crate pile, he will smash them all... so don't linger under his hands when they are near your crates.

You can grab a crate and intentionally wait under one of the hands. When it comes down, you can side-step it, then jump on the back of it.

He'll raise you up and you can hit the beerbot's head with your crate. The bonus bottle is in the top left corner of the level so you will need to ride on his left hand to get it.

You can stack a few boxes, then use them to jump straight up and toss a box into it's face. This way is the fastest way to beat him, but makes it more likey your stack of boxes will get smashed.

However you choose to attack, it will take 3 crates to smash open the beerbot's head exposing Alkie for attack, and 3 more to finally put the big guy down.

When you win this fight, you win the game.

If you are choking on any level even with the help of this guide, here are all the level codes so you can simply skip it. You won't rack up as good of a score as someone who plays the game through, but since you suck at the game anyway, that was an unlikely possibility to begin with.

Level codes:

MLEYS - level 1 (brutal)
RLEYS - level 1 (normal)
FLEYS - level 1 (easy)
ZPWTR - level 2 (brutal)
APWTR - level 2 (normal)
HPWTR - level 2 (easy)
XQWXT - level 3 (brutal)
IQWXT - level 3 (normal)
KQWXT - level 3 (easy)
PMPEM - level 4 (brutal)
MMPEM - level 4 (normal)
YMPEM - level 4 (easy)
UOENC - level 5 (brutal)
FOENC - level 5 (normal)
COENC - level 5 (easy)
ONSSW - level 6 (brutal)
KNSSW - level 6 (normal)
NNSSW - level 6 (easy)
IZEPO - level 7 (brutal)
LZEPO - level 7 (normal)
PZEPO - level 7 (easy)
EJUGL - level 8 (brutal)
WJUGL - level 8 (normal)
OJUGL - level 8 (easy)
TYUPQ - level 9 (brutal)
EYUPQ - level 9 (normal)
WYUPQ - level 9 (easy)
MITFD - level 10 (brutal)
LITFD - level 10 (normal)
QITFD - level 10 (easy)
QDOGN - level 11 (brutal)
KDOGN - level 11 (normal)
GDOGN - level 11 (easy)
RAMPL - level 12 (brutal)
XAMPL - level 12 (normal)
HAMPL - level 12 (easy)
GMLSN - level 13 (brutal)
CMLSN - level 13 (normal)
SMLSN - level 13 (easy)
JPNIS - level 14 (brutal)
YPNIS - level 14 (normal)
DPNIS - level 14 (easy)
BBRBT - level 15 (brutal)
ZBRBT - level 15 (normal)
YBRBT - level 15 (easy)

DR0KN - secret code to watch the end movie without actually beating the game.

Deliver That Fulp:
Goodbye World-Type "Suicide"

Confuzzled-take every item and don't use them

Speedy Delivery-Type as fast as hell

It's a Boy-"Take and use "blindfold", "Take and use "pills", "take and use "gloves" and "Deliver gently"

Can't Concentrate-use blindfold, use gloves and deliver gently

thats disgusting-use pills, use glove and deliver gently

Filthy Hands-Use pills, use blindfold and deliver gently

xyzzy-type "xyzzy"

wrong way-type "deliver"

Just Can't Wait-Type deliver on the menu

Your too slow!-run out of time

Play Again?-type "play" while you already playing

Newgrounds Pass 3:

2. script

Secrets and stuff:
click on the a by the N/A at level 30=secret
click on the cats right eye ol level 20=secret
press tab and click on the movie symbol at the bottem left corner of the screen=sceret
move left on level 16 and click on the trophey=medal
on level 13,move north-east until you see a arrow,followit and click on the trophy=medal
at level 4,move left and jump off the first platform,then jump over the gap and click on the trophy=medal
click on the start button on the nintendo ds=secret

Portal Defenders:

Horde Fighter-Beat 20 of wadolf zombies

Juggler-do a juggle of 30 or more

Doer of radical wrong-defeate the RWD animators

Bom nivore-defeate the BoMToon character

Creditz-view the entire creditz when you beat wadolf

What this guy lacks in subtlety he makes up for in spunk. Avoid head-on attacks and watch out for his "Ball-o'-yarn" attack. When you see the blinking "X" appear beneath your feet, run away and approach him from the top or bottom to wail on him. While he's being attacked he'll be too distracted to call down any yarn balls so BE AGGRESSIVE!
Pro Tip: Take out his minions as soon as possible to avoid getting sucker-attacked from behind.

Yes, this genius of code and never-releasing NG Chat, has a giant GOLDFISH tattooed on his chest. He follows a very distinct pattern so observe him for a bit and take out his actionscripting minions before going in for the kill. Take advantage of his cockiness by hitting him with bombs when he's laughing at you...that'll shut him up! Avoid his flying fish attack and rush in for a few solid hits while he's panting to regain his breath.
Pro Tip: You can interrupt his flying fish attack with a few carefully placed strikes in-between each fish toss.

Remember: You can also jump to avoid Psycho's ground slam and also to avoid the actionscriptors' saws!

HOLY CRAP! Mindchamber finally started his body-meld with that weird robot he's always drawing! MC's reach is extremely long because of his inspector-gadget extendo-arms, so a frontal assault on him is definitely out of the question, he's also extremely hard to hit with bombs so don't even try it.
Pro Tip: Since MC's bombs home-in on you, an adept Portal Defender will lure the "X" on the ground into the path of Mindchamber and his enemies thus turning his weapon against him!

Just like in real-life these two LOVE working together and putting their hands all-over each-other.
Pro Tip: When Stamper is in Balloon form, he can only be hurt by JUMP attacks, so make use of that "S" button!

Pure rage is personified in the final boss Wadolf. Unfortunately our ninja spies were obliterated when Wadolf's super-human hearing alerted him to their presence. Each ninja had cause to reflect on his loving wife and children waiting at home while Wadolf melted their souls with his LED eye-lazors.
Pro Tip: Abandon all hope when confronted with the visage of Wadolf the terrible.

Pico's School:

Scat man-click the doors in the boys bathroom and then a student will say crap and keep clicking the button to proceed the sentences and keep clicking it until he throws shit and keep clicking until you get the medal

bruckheimer-shoot the "flammable" sign in the background of the last boss that has a dick

Marc Summers-click the toilets in the boys room and keep clicking until you get the medal

Tap that-click the thing you wash your hands in the bathroom

Overkill-shoot the first boss when he's hiding in the chares when you beat him and keep shooting him until you reach him and KILL HIM

Brutal-kill the guy with a gun until you got the medal.

Save the day-finish the game (beat the bost that has a dick)

Pico Blast:
Cheat: get all the weapons you wan't-press "G" and keep pressing until you find the weapon you wan't.

Thing-thing arena 3:
Artifact 19-get every medal

Hope it helps!
btw this could be the biggest post i have ever made
and heres a video of smash bros. brawl.

/* */
*UPDATE* here's another great song with SSBB

/* */
here's another Nintendo Wii video that shows some of the greatest game for the Nintendo Wii

/* */
*UPDATE* here's another damn update
i just love ssbb
Plus! i downloaded the final destination song like in november 08

/* */

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 18th, 2009

Alkie Kong 2:
Code Breaker-Type DR0KN to watch the end-game without "beating the game"

Deliver That Fulp:
Goodbye World-Type "Suicide"

Confuzzled-take every item and don't use them

Speedy Delivery-Type as fast as hell

It's a Boy-"Take and use "blindfold", "Take and use "pills", "take and use "gloves" and "Deliver gently"

Can't Concentrate-use blindfold, use gloves and deliver gently

thats disgusting-use pills, use glove and deliver gently

Filthy Hands-Use pills, use blindfold and deliver gently

xyzzy-type "xyzzy"

wrong way-type "deliver"

Just Can't Wait-Type deliver on the menu

Your too slow!-run out of time

Play Again?-type "play" while you already playing

Newgrounds Pass 3:

2. script

Secrets and stuff:
click on the a by the N/A at level 30=secret
click on the cats right eye ol level 20=secret
press tab and click on the movie symbol at the bottem left corner of the screen=sceret
move left on level 16 and click on the trophey=medal
on level 13,move north-east until you see a arrow,followit and click on the trophy=medal
at level 4,move left and jump off the first platform,then jump over the gap and click on the trophy=medal
click on the start button on the nintendo ds=secret

Portal Defenders:
Horde Fighter-Beat 20 of wadolf zombies

Juggler-do a juggle of 30 or more

Doer of radical wrong-defeate the RWD animators

Bom nivore-defeate the BoMToon character

Creditz-view the entire creditz when you beat wadolf

Thing-Thing Arena 3:
Artifact 19-get every medal

I Hope it helps!!!

Hey, heres my paint the town red drawing

Tips and Codes on Medal games

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 14th, 2009

i mean seriously the "Nintendo DS i"
seriously is the same crap as the psp, only is nintendo wtf has nintendo become

the ony change is that they add a store
wow what a complete difference >:(
what the hell is wrong with nintendo their fucking retarded
it makes me not be nintendo fan, Plus! i think their just jeolous because psp is much better then their crap
it makes me throw a shit in their face so HUGE that they got to eat with their ass!

in other news am only 5 medals away from getting every medal on portal defenders
i know how to get the medals but their very hard
and Dan Paladin dosen't even have even power to best anything
Luis and BomToons made him completely useless
less strenght, more speed, less stamina, more bombs

strenght and stamina are the most inportant thing in the game is almost immposible to beat the game with him

anyways thats all for today!

this is what happens when you mix mario and counter strike

Nintendo keeps making crappy shit!

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 11th, 2009

Finally, one month of busting my ass to get every medal on thing-thing arena 3 and bust my head on newgrounds pass 3 (actually i did it by cheating lmao)

after finally busting my ass getting every medal and medal score
am not gonna rest until i get every medal on every game
and the following game are the ones i need to get medals:
Portal defenders: 45% (am beggining to play the game again)

Super China Sweatshop Mastar: 98% (i need one more lmao)

Deliver that fulp: 97% (OMFG ONE MORE DAMMIT ONE MORE D: )

Alkie Kong 2: 47% (beggining to play the game again)
so this are the games to complete huh? S:/
i know this is gonna be hard but i will not rest til i get the shiny medals :D


here a sonic wallpaper i found on google

Got every medal on thing-thing arena 3 and newgrounds pass 3...

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 10th, 2009

MikeWeathersby546 as Stario
darkthehedgehog53 as Dark The Hedgehog
sonicshadow999 as Himself
MarioMaster123123123(thats me LOL) as Ramon The Hedgehog (thats the hedgehog i created)
blaze432 as Sirena The Hedgehog
Jordian as Shadow The Hedgehog (Blaze432's cousin)
Ramón:You're Boring me to death eggman your going down
Sirena:oh snap you gonna get so rick rolled that ketchup will look at you and say "DAMN"
Shadow:Hey man need a hand?
Ramon:no thanks am full, now back to where wore we
Dark:i thought we wore having pizza
sonicshadow999:shhhhh.....ramon is gonna beat the crap out of eggman
sonicshadow999: . . .
Ramon:*slow motion* A....M...GO....NNA.....KICK.....YO....
Ramon:*takes out a bat* Homerun dude, HYAA *hits eggman with the bat*

56 1/2 minutes later
Ramon:who want's pizza
Dark:i do
ramon:anyone alse
Sonicshadow999:me three
shadow:me four
sirena:me five
bowser:me six
ramon:WTF ARE THERE SO MANY MOTHERFUCKING, every motherfucking time there fucking interuptions and don't get me started on you fat fuck
bowser:you think am fat?
Mario:sorry ramon this fuck won't be here interupting anybody for a really long time *swings bowser*
bowser:go to hell fat plumber
mario:fat plumber? ok now you ask for it *flyies off*
ramon:ok thats it no more inturuption, at long last the interuptions end, aleluya!
ramon:ok everyone get your pizza
sirena:yay!! let me cut it with this shiny thing that i found
ramon:omg thats a chaos emerald wtf is it doing up your pants
sirena:well take it
ramon:or take since your a very lovely lady o_0

Our heroes have got 2 chaos emeralds and there 4 more to catch
will our heroes find the last chaos emeralds or will they EPIC FAIL
stay tune for chapter 6

End Of Chapter

Posted by MARIOMASTER123123123 - April 5th, 2009

Everyone says "you got to get every medal then the artifact 19 will appear"

i got all of the medals (except "divine powers" duh) but i can seen to get the artifact 19
if anyone knows plz plz plz PM me or just leave a comment :P

i can't believe i need one more fucking medal!!!!! plz tell me right away if you know X(



Where the fuck is the Artifact 19?